Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Tutoring Pass Template For the TOEFL and IELTS Exams

A Tutoring Pass Template For the TOEFL and IELTS ExamsThe tutoring pass template is a very efficient and cost effective way to prepare for the TOEFL and IELTS exams. As more people take the TOEFL or IELTS exams more tests are being given in English. Every English test has a set of passages that must be learned from various books, audio, or the use of a tutor.There are three general types of passage in the exam. The passages are formatted to have prefect transitions, not too obvious punctuation mistakes, and learning words, but the writing must be perfectly worded.At this point in time there are only two organizations teaching English. These are the College Board and the International Reading Association. Both of these organizations teach their students how to write a test and to pass a test with a good score. Of course there are other organizations that offer tutoring for the exam, but it is extremely difficult to find the tutors to work with as they are largely staffed by adults who have taken the TOEFL or IELTS exams.The tutoring pass template is a very important aspect of preparing for the TOEFL or IELTS exams. In many cases students have already been at their colleges for several years before being called to give the TOEFL or IELTS exams. Their older students who have taught themselves may have not gotten the English skills to work with.In these cases it is possible to have someone who is familiar with teaching English read to your older students about the kind of passages that are used on the TOEFL or IELTS exams. They may be able to give you advice on how to format your sentences in order to make them sound better and more natural.In the example given earlier, you would also be able to find a tutor who can teach your students about the grammar and vocabulary you need to use in teaching yourself the English language. This is a critical part of passing the exam and will save you a lot of money and time.In the examples given, you can see that a good combinat ion of the sample passages for English is important. That is the best place to start preparing for the TOEFL or IELTS exams. Taking this approach you will be able to teach yourself English well and make sure that you pass the exam with flying colors.

Friday, March 6, 2020

GRE Strategy A Guide to Quantitative Comparison Questions

GRE Strategy A Guide to Quantitative Comparison Questions GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog The GRE’s Quantitative section doesn’t test particularly advanced math, but it does demand that you apply a variety of fundamental concepts in many novel ways. What really makes the Quant section difficult is that you have to constantly figure out how to get from point A to point B. You might find yourself going, “Alright I know I have to use y = mx + bhere, but how am I supposed to find the y-intercept given this information?” Devising the steps you’ll need to solve a problem can be particularly difficult on the Quantitative Comparison questions. These are the ones where you have to decide which of two quantities is greater, instead of simply solving a problem and selecting the answer choice that matches your own answer. The answer choices for these problems are always: Quantity A is greater. Quantity B is greater. The two quantities are equal. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. It may seem like these questions require a higher-level, abstract understanding of the math concept being tested, but the good news is that trying some actual numbers works just fine. The Big Secret? Try Actual Numbers Quantitative Comparison questions are almost always algebra questions. Remember that for any algebraic equation, expression, or system to work, you need to be able to use actual numbersin it. This strategy is known as plugging in. So why not try some? Let’s take a look at this strategy in action. Here we have about as simple of a Quantitative Comparison problem as it gets. This one has just two algebraic expressions. Choosing a value for x will make it easy to determine which one is greater. Let’s say x = 5. Substituting that value into Quantity A, we’d get 52+ 1, or 26. Substituting that value into Quantity B, we’d get 2 (5) â€" 1, or 9. Ok, it’s looking like Quantity A is greater, but it’s always a good idea to test a second value. Try one that is as different as possible from the one we initially chose. Since we want something pretty much opposite, let’s try a negative number, x = â€"10. Quantity A would become (â€"10)2+ 1, or 101. Quantity B would become 2 (â€"10) â€" 1, or â€"21. Quantity A is still greater, so we’ll choose answer choice A. A Step-by Step Strategy for Quantitative Comparison The most formulaic approach is the best one for Quantitative Comparison questions. If you have a good way to test the given quantities rigorously, why not use it over and over and over again? Here’s a step-by-step strategy that will always work. Read over Quantity A and Quantity B and decide if there are any specific rules or formulas you’ll need. Plug in the same number to each quantity. If it seems like it’s important to figure out if a quantity will be positive or negative, try a negative number. If you think you want to push the quantity to an extreme, try a really big number. Plug in another, very different number to each quantity. If you chose a negative number the first time, try a positive one now. If you tried a huge number last time, try a fraction. Did you get a different relationship between the two quantities after each round of plugging in a number? Then you likely can’t determine which quantity is greater, and answer choice D is starting to look pretty good. Take a moment to think about any other numbersyou might want to test here, but don’t spend all day on it. It’s totally ok to select answer choice D! Let’s try that strategy again. Step 1. Here we have a parallelogram. This polygon has 4 sides, so using the formula 180(n â€" 2), with nrepresenting the number of sides, we can determine that the sum of all of the angles in this parallelogram is 360 º. Step 2. Since x ºand y º add up to an acute angle, we’ll choose an acute value. So we’ll say that x + y = 80. Now let’s choose some values. Let’s say x = 70. Well, if that’s the case, then y = 10. Step 3.Ok well, what if x was much smaller. Let’s say x = 20. In that case y = 60. Step 4.It seems like we can’t really decide which one is larger. In fact, they could be equal to each other for all we know, with x = 40 and y = 40. Therefore, we’ll choose answer choice D. Incorporate this step by step process into your study time and you'll almost certainly see positive results. When you take a methodical approach, Quantitative Comparison questions don't seem as daunting, and you'll be well on your way to increasing that Quant score!

Close Down - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Close Down - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Close DownInfinitive form: Close DownPresent Tense: Close Down/ Closes Downing form: Closing DownPast tense: Closed DownParticiple: Closed DownClose Down is a separable English phrasal verb which is mainly used around the context of business and sports. It can be used in two different ways:When the activities or services of a business is permanently stopped. The term Shut Down can be used as an alternative in this context.1. The coffee shop down the alley is in the process of closing down since their new competitor from across the street started their business.2.  Since computers have been invented, a lot of companies which manufacture typewriters have to close their business down.In sports, it is to stop a contender or an opponent to become a challenge, usually with the purpose of defeating that opponent1. The team has developed an effective strategy to close their opponents down and won the first round.2. Mark made it sound like closing down oppo nents is easier than it should be.iframe width=420 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeExercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:All personnel proceed to escape pods. ____ __ the circus. Evacuate the zoo. The self-destruct mechanism has been activated. Abandon ship!Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Close Down.1. Its a shame that the cafeteria in my neighborhood has to  ____ __ because of financial issues. They sell really good meals in there.2. The mall in 5th Avenue is ___ __ in February next year.3. Nobody has step foot in that building since it ____ ___ three years ago. Is anybody up for ghost hunting?4.  The veteran player _____ the opposing team ____ and has earned a good reputation ever since.5. Is the rumor about the bar downtown true? I dont think theyll be ___ __, granted the number of people going there every night.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Stop Conforming And Start Living Your Dream

How To Stop Conforming And Start Living Your Dream Photo by Web n Stuff via Flickr in the wonderful city of Chiang Mai, I met five backpackers who showed me that I didn’t have to be tied down to my job and that I didn’t need to be rich to travel. After that trip, I went home, finished my MBA,  quit my cubicle job, and, in July 2006, set out on an adventure around the world, said Nomadic Matt, founder of the blog Nomadic Matt, whose advice has been featured in Time, The New York Times,  and on CNN and many other sources. Although travel-specific, Nomadic Matt represents the individuals set on living their dreams and escaping the office lifestyle, no matter how crazy their dreams may seem. His methods are unconventional and require effort, but are worth it in the pursuit of a truly fulfilled  life.   In his article Everyone Says Im Running Away, Matt wrote: People assume that we are simply running away from our problems, running away from the real world, and to all those people who say that, I say to you, you’re right  I  am  running away.  I’m running away from  your  idea of the real world. I’m avoiding  your  life. And, instead, I’m running towards everything â€" towards the world, exotic places, new people, different cultures, and my own idea of freedom.    When were young, its a common feeling to want to belong and to feel as though were a part of something bigger than ourselves. This becomes a problem, however, when we, as individuals, fail to account for our own interests apart from those of our friends and societys. The desire to belong then becomes so strong that we begin to fear the idea of following our dreams because theyre so apart from everyone elses. But thats the idea, isnt it? Its the reason we love a good underdog or hero story they dont conform or pursue others ideas of how their lives should be lived. They embrace their own life, regardless of the judgment of others. They unabashedly pursue their goals and fearlessly tread the path less traveled. They run toward their dreams.

The Grand Ol Party Less Grand and More Old

The Grand Ol' Party Less Grand and More Old Photo from by Austen Hufford The Grand Ol Party is hurting themselves by being hung up on their grand ol values. Theyve stopped adapting to the changing political climate in fear of being unfaithful to their beliefs. Unfortunately, the number of citizens with those beliefs is decreasing rapidly. The Republican partys platform is not only holding on to principles it upheld thirty years ago, when the country was mostly white, the gap between the rich and poor was just starting to grow, and the economy was progressing, but it is also pandering to a radical movement of über-conservatives,commonly known as the Tea Party. Though the Tea Party won multiple seats in the House of Representatives in 2010, contributing to the Republicans majority, they have failed to repeat that in the 2012 election. Multiple Tea Party congressmen have lost their seats including Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, while Michelle Bachmann is barely holding onto hers, having won by only 3,000 votes. None of the Tea Party candidates were able to last in the Republican primaries for President, and senator Jim DeMint â€" one of the people who helped get the movement going â€" has resigned. They are only winning in local elections with small groups of like-minded people; they cant gain popularity on a national, or even statewide scale, and yet the Republican presidential candidate was pandering to their opinions. Throughout the election, governor Romney was strongly supporting many Tea Party beliefs, trying to gain their votes while he was Photo from by markn3tel losing so many others throughout the country. The people of this country are not as radical as this very loud minority, and the Republicans need to recognize who their constituents actually are. They have been criticized for being the white peoples party and the old peoples party. Whether this was intentional or not, it means they arent adapting. Their social stances are angering young, college-aged voters. Their immigration policy is angering the hispanic population which is growing to nearly 20%. Its taxation policies are angering the middle class and the poor â€" and republicans are still surprised when the people choose the policy that taxes the richest 1% versus the 47%. Women are outnumbering men in the workplace, and the majority of American women are unmarried which leads to their being upset over outdated abortion policies. The Republican Party needs to keep up with the times. This doesnt necessarily mean giving up all of their ideals, but the political leaders of the party do need to discuss how to adapt. In the past, the Republican party has historically split into factions and the unpopular, outdated, or most unwilling to change wouldnt survive. The party needs to address the issues today that are not just going to disappear if the Republicans hold out long enough. They need to be culturally relevant and politically progressive if they want to start winning representation and implementing their ideas.

21st Century Learning 4 Smart Strategies to Master a Foreign Language Online

21st Century Learning 4 Smart Strategies to Master a Foreign Language Online 21st Century Learning: 4 Smart Strategies to Master a Foreign Language Online Mastering a foreign language requires access to the best language instructors, curriculum and exchange partners.Whats a modern language lover to do?Why, turn to the Internet of course!With its dizzying array of educational blogs, entertaining videos and training sites, the web offers avowed linguaphiles countless resources for learning a foreign language.Before you set off on a road trip to fluency, however, its important to plan your voyage efficiently.From studying the grammatical principles of your chosen language to reinforcing your vocabulary through word exercises, building a study map will help ensure you reach your final destination. Use the following essential tips to learn a foreign language online successfully. 21st Century Learning: 4 Smart Strategies to Master a Foreign Language Online1. Choose the Right Instruction ToolsA veritable embarrassment of riches awaits the modern pupil looking to the net for learning resources.  Of course, not all training programs and teach ing tools provide the right keys for achieving your language learning goals. As you embark on a quest to learn a new tongue, youll want to search out two different forms of learning materials: educational programs and source content.In a case study conducted in 2012, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center discovered that the way were exposed to a language determines whether or not we achieve native-level brain processing. Both classroom learning and immersion methods contribute toward this goal, but immersion has been shown to be more effective at mirroring the brain activity of native speakers. This is an important caveat youll want to consider when searching for instructional tools.A fantastic learning platform for online language immersion is FluentU.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.It lets you  browse videos  by difficulty (beginner to native), topic (arts and entertainment, health and lifestyle, etc.) and  format (video blog, news,  shows, etc.). And FluentU isnt just watching videosâ€"its about learning and actively practicing the language you hear in videos. You can use  the interactive subtitles, flashcards, audios and vocabulary lists to learn modern languages better than ever!Of course, one of the driving factors in any self-study learners ultimate success is ongoing motivation. Unlike classroom students who are expected to show up for class each day, the online learner has to remain proactive. The internet is awash with source content that would make the language learners of yesteryear salivate. From viral videos to web series, blogs and forums, its simple to access content that correlates with your personal interests.Ready to get started but not quite certain where to start? Consider the following links for learning tools in your chosen language:English: cartoons |  Facebook  | karaoke songs |  memes |  social med ia sitesChinese: audiobooks | Disney movies  | internet slang |  online radio  |  talk radioFrench:  blogs |  hashtags | online immersion  | online radio  |  radioGerman: audiobooks  | audio dramas |  blogs | online radio | pop bands  |  TwitterJapanese: Netflix movies | online TV |  Twitter | song lyricsSpanish: advanced practice  |  blogs  |  BuzzFeed  |  Facebook  | Pinterest  | online radio  |  Twitter2. Find a Language Exchange PartnerIts not usual for language teachers to ask their pupils to spend some time conversing with one another, but the power of the World Wide Web opens doors in a whole new way. Fortunately, its not that difficult to find a language exchange partner, but you should think carefully about how to maximize the fruit of your discussions.Making small talk and chatting about current events offers a simple way to expand your vocabulary and get your verb conjugations down pat, but dont shy away from creating a more structured exchange with your partner. Why not attempt to replicate the experience you might otherwise share in a classroom? For example, ask your friend to role play as a shopkeeper and act out a scenario at the checkout line. Let your imagination run wild!It might feel a little silly at first, but sharing a few laughs together can help break the ice. Youll probably want to use Skype for your video exchanges, but dont discount the long form letter altogether. Pen pals have long served as a resource for language learners, and sharing written correspondence can still pay a valuable role in a language exchange.Why not make an effort to email each other once a week, and use simple word processing tools to make corrections for each other? It takes a bit of extra effort to sit down and write a message, but doing so will ensure you dont neglect the written word, which plays an equally important role as the speaking portion of a language.Finding a language exchange partner is a free solution, but if you really want to supercharge your learning prowess, you might also want to work with an online language tutor. With a tutor, you wont need to focus on correcting or teaching someone to better speak English, but you can instead work to fine tune your language skills exclusively. Tutors may also be better able to explain complicated linguistic principles. Many different websites offer tutoring solutions, including and youd like to get some extra help from a native speaker, but you dont have a large budget to work with, you might want to consider using a freelance site to connect with an independent worker. For example, Fiverr allows you to post one-off jobs at just $5, and there are many language teachers offering various services there. You might also want to consider posting a gig on Craigslist to find a language tutor on the cheap.3. Make Study a Daily HabitRemember when you had endless assignments, syllabuses and tests in school? As an online learner, you wont deal with any of those. Instead, youll need to find innovative ways to make your study habits part of your daily routine. If you find it challenging to keep yourself focused, follow this simple game plan to develop healthy study patterns:Set Mini GoalsYou might be surprised to learn the powerful potential of your inner voice. Research shows that nothing more than encouraging yourself to keep going can have a profound impact on your long-term stamina. Just as the age old expression goes, Rome wasnt built in a day, and neither is it plausible for you to become a world class linguist in a few short months.Instead, set mini goals you can achieve as you progress through your studies. These goals might look like:Master a challenging verb tense in both spoken and written form.Expand your vocabulary by memorizing 100 new words.Read a full novel in your target language.To successfully reach these goals, dont forget to break them down further into even smaller tasks. For example, if  youve chosen  a novel to read, s et smaller goals by chapter or even by pages (i.e. read two pages every morning and night). The feeling of elation you experience when you meet those goals will help propel you further.Eliminate Deterrents and DistractionsTuning out the outside world is hard enough with a traditional textbook, but the internet offers a tempting array of distractions that can keep you from focusing on your studies. If you find your study habits just arent making the cut, proactively examine where youre breaking down and try to work out how to overcome those obstacles.If you just cant seem to steer clear of social media networks or your favorite blog, use a tool like Anti-Social  to prevent your computer from accessing those sites. Its a simple fix that can keep you on track.Develop AccountabilityTry as you might to keep your studying in check, many of us still find it hard to stay motivated. When push comes to shove, sometimes its necessary to find a real-life accountability partner for your language learning.Why not make some new friends  through a service like Meetup and establish accountability goals? Celebrating your successes and working on your weaknesses with the help of a friend often proves immensely helpful in keeping learners focused.Or you could commit to practicing your target language  for 100 days, and track your progress  via 10-second daily videos on Instagram with  Give It 100. The supportive community will keep you motivated, as will the joy of actually  seeing  your progress over time.4. Put Your Skills into PracticeAs great as the internet can be for language enthusiasts, its only a tool for learning, not a magic potion. As you learn the various aspects of a foreign language, you need to put your new-found skills to work. Speaking the language will not only help you build confidence, but it also works to cement those ideas in your brain.In an ideal world, youd spend some time studying abroad.  Youll have no choice but to speak the language on a daily basis, and when surrounded by foreign speakers the real power of immersion becomes evident. If you have the means to do so, why not schedule an overseas excursion to coincide with an important language learning goal? When you know a trip is on the horizon, you may be more motivated than ever to keep studying diligently.Of course, classroom studies arent the only activity you can pursue abroad. Consider tapping into your benevolent side by volunteering with a non-profit, charity or religious group. If youre not already familiar with groups operating abroad, learn more by visiting a directory like  Go Abroad. For a really affordable way to spend a longer amount of time abroad, check out  HelpX  and  WWOOF, where you work in exchange for food and accommodation.If spending an extended period in a foreign country isnt a possibility, why not get involved with local organizations where foreigners tend to gather? Many communities have active cultural groups that sponsor events and meet-ups. If yo u live near a university, inquire as to whether the school sponsors any institutions that offer learning opportunities. Volunteering with one of these groups or attending special events can help you meet new people to speak to and learn from.Learning a new language takes hard work and dedication, and there really are no shortcuts to fluency. Nevertheless, the internet and its myriad resources can serve as an invaluable learning tool for the modern student. By procuring the right learning tools, finding practice partners, studying diligently and putting your language skills to work, youre bound to find success learning in the digital age.Adam Zetterlund is a language enthusiast living in New York City. He spent five years honing his foreign language skills in Paris and London, and he currently partners with a number of international clients in a marketing capacity. Learn more by reading his blog.

How to Help Your Child to Pass a Test Tips for Thoughtful Parents

How to Help Your Child to Pass a Test Tips for Thoughtful Parents Basic knowledge and achieved test scores are vitally important for getting degree and for further career of each individual. However young people are freshmen in study and while they are struggling to find their way on the thorny path of education, their parents  already did this in past and it is parents task to help children to succeed in this hard work. Of course many things could change since todays mothers and  fathers  studied at school or in the university but still the main concepts are still the same. So what can parents do to help a child to get ready to test or exam? There are three main kinds of support adults are able to provide even if they are not competent in the studying discipline: 1. Quiet and calm place for study. If it is not possible to find that place in your home because of a crying baby or a granny watching TV at full volume it is better to send the learner to study in the nearby library or in a house of his/her classmates. Besides be sure that forthcoming test is the main problem that worries a student at the moment. Postpone any family quarrels or punishment for dirty dishes for more suitable time. 2. Energy and vitamins for brain activity. Some students are used to get ready to exam within couple of days without any food or sleep. That is not good neither for their mind nor for their health. Besides there are some components which are necessary for active brain work and which help to consume big portions of information. First of all brains need energy, the main source of which is glucose contained in flakes, bread and macaroni. So examinations are not a good time for diet. At the same time sweets, chocolate and candies are not useful in this case as they have a very short energetic effect. Saltwater fish, string beans, ferrum-rich dried fruits, green vegetables and meat are effective for increased attention focusing. Vitamin C and calcium help to control stress and maintain nervous system. Do not forget to include these products into student’s menu. 3. Avoid overstrain. Do not let the student to overtire himself and do not forget to distract him from time to time for short food breaks or walks. Fresh air is also necessary for brains work. Unfortunately it is not always possible to create perfect conditions for study. Besides your child may be an expert in algebra and at the same time can be very slow in biology or writing essay. Anyway a school program is intended not for genius but for average students and millions of children pass these test every year. So even if your youngster does not have any talent for math or chemistry you can apply for help of qualified private tutor who is aware of various learning methods and styles. The professional tutoring help can play its part in the future of your child. Visit if your child needs any kind of tutoring assistance.